We’ll be at Apartmentalize, 2024 in Philadelphia. June 19-21, 2024. Schedule a Time to Meet us.


Workforce skills simulations training; anytime, anywhere

Launch a job-ready certificate program for building trades

We’ll be at Apartmentalize, 2024 in Philadelphia. June 19-21, 2024. Schedule a Time to Meet us.

Why Virtual Reality’s Future is Training

Doug Donovan, CEO of Interplay Learning

Interplay’s CEO, Doug Donovan, gives insight into the company’s history of using simulations to prepare better a skilled workforce and why Virtual Reality will change the way people learn a trade.

Doug Donovan was able to take part in a TexTalks at the Herb Kelleher Center for Entrepreneurship at the University of Texas. In the talk Doug discussed Interplay’s history of simulation-based learning and how Virtual Realities killer application is in training. We did you the favor of editing the video down to 4 minutes, so you can focus on learning how VR could change the way you train.

hvac learning

If the video inspired any ideas or questions, please do not hesitate to reach out anytime to discuss how Virtual Reality and sim based learning can scale the way your company trains.

Craig Carter